Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blue Film Mysore Mallige

Prime Minister - Questions answers on the reform of home property - September 29, 2010 Senate Written Question No. 13832-30 September 2010 - Renovation of 150,000 homes in rural disadvantaged
Senate Written Question No. 07395 - September 2, 2010 - Consequences of the abolition of PALULOS

NA Written Question No. 83227-31 August 2010 - Right of first refusal for the benefit of local habitat diffuse agricultural areas and natural

Question written Senate No. 09100-9 September 2010 - Transfers of charges to departments in law enforcement mobilization for housing and the fight against exclusion

Article 68 of the Act for the mobilization housing and the fight against exclusion therefore adds precision designed to remove these interpretations. It provides that support by the department of child welfare concerns "pregnant women and single mothers with children under three years who need a material and psychological support, especially because that of them are homeless. " This text does not transfer by therefore new skill to the departmental community. He recalled his skills specific law under the child welfare, homelessness target audiences in Article 68 establishing the need for material and psychological support. It is also immediately applicable.

Under Article 55 of the Law on solidarity and urban renewal (CCS), following a three-year period, there shall be a review of units built on the three years. Under the triennial report 2005-2007, 93 000 dwellings were completed when the target was 63,000 units. This assessment is very positive even if it does not meet all the needs and although some municipalities have not achieved their objective. In this regard, it should be noted that 75% of these have been sanctioned by the prefects in the proceedings of the statement of deficiency. For more than two-thirds of common deficient, the Prefects have applied the maximum rate of increase of the levy.

Senate Written Question No. 03061-7 October 2010 - Lack of places in halfway houses

Order of August 5, 2010 approving the General Regulations of the National Agency for Urban Renewal National Programme requalification old neighborhoods degraded

... The national redevelopment of older neighborhoods degraded (PNRQAD), defined by Act No. 2009-323 of 25 March 2009, aims to take the necessary action to a comprehensive redevelopment of these neighborhoods while promoting social mix, seeking a balance between habitat and activities and improving the energy performance of buildings and preserving the heritage and architectural qualities.
aid of the National Agency for Urban Renewal, hereinafter referred to as "Agency" under PNRQAD are to support operations that contribute to urban regeneration and social areas listed by the 1-25 Decree No. 2009-1780 of 31 December 2009
Order of September 20, 2010 approving the amendment of the General Regulation National Agency for Urban Renewal

ANRU - The ANRU develops its operational support - News - October 6, 2010

Coastal Act
Senate Written Question No. 11745-7 October 2010 - Interpretation of the coastal law - Definition of the concepts of town, villages and hamlets .. . For example, Article L. 146-4-1 of the Town Planning Code, applicable to coastal communities, requires that urban extensions are carried out in continuity of existing villages and towns through the establishment of new villages built into the environment. Means a small hamlet of houses may also include other structures, and isolated separate from the town or village. It is recognized that a municipality may be composed of one or several villages and several hamlets. The law distinguishes between coastal hamlets and isolated buildings located haphazardly, that is to say urban sprawl ....
.... well, it is the scale of a SCOT, for a fraction of the coastline, that can best be appreciated the balance between measures to ensure the protection of farmland and Natural and development projects. Most court decisions have struck a building permit in coastal communities concerned a transaction particular, who was not part of an overall project management and protection ....
2 - Housing Policy

housing crisis
(3): for the PS, he must attack the pension

by Elodie Carcolse - Marianne - ....
What measures do you take?
MN.L.: There should be a price regulation. Seen with the significant increase in property prices, rents, construction and land above. In thirty years there has been an increase of 572% of land costs. The rent is huge and the government did not attack. This price regulation is fundamental to achieve a correlation between living standards of the French and prices in this area. A survey revealed that 23% to 24% of household income goes to pay housing costs. 50% for a person receiving the minimum wage. These acts have the effect of the masses away zones "interesting."

For those who can borrow and homeownership, it has been increasing their debt and duration. This economic mechanism can not keep ....

Property: there taxatoire rabies in the air!

Trends.be WARNING is in Belgium - "already present in the price of housing
including all costs, over 50% of the cost back into the public coffers one way or another.
To ensure the mobility of employees owners, a note of the Centre for Strategic Analysis recommends a "gradual transfer transfer duties on property taxes, constant fiscal pressure"

The Strategic Analysis Centre, whose mission is "to inform the Government in defining and the implementation of its strategic economic, social, environmental or cultural, "believes in a note that (1) transfer taxes involved" in reducing the mobility of owners, and that m.. .

... the relationship between the school map and property prices is an index of size, although it still lacks detailed studies on the issue. According to Tim Butler and Garry Robson (2003: 5), the London real estate agents are using more and more frequent school mapping as a selling point, a phenomenon linked to the inauguration of parental choice and the publication of the ranking of schools. ... The wealth transfer maintains the disability of those who have nothing to inherit, which ensures that the poor remain poor. It is partly to mitigate the effects of such transfer that the welfare state in post-war had put forward the principle of equality of opportunity. The more we tend to define individual wealth of the welfare state and it is going to be difficult to challenge such a source of inequality.

Usufruct social rented: renting low-rent This technique develops, enables both individual investors to acquire rental housing at a discounted price in tension zone, so dear, and social landlords to rent to low rent. "
3 - Property and social agencies

Social Housing

The first relates to the rental management and social policy. Emphasis is placed on access to housing for disadvantaged groups, rent policy and the cost control and quality of service tenants.

Strategy heritage bodies is the second theme in this report. Further examination of the themes already encountered in previous reports (implementation of strategic plans of heritage, urban renewal and development of new supply), the 2009 activity report is twofold specific maintenance policy and sustainable development on the one hand, and the sale of public housing tenants, on the other. The third theme focuses on accounting and financial situation agencies.

... Minister Benoist Appeared drew from his vows of restructuring the sector HLM promoting the pooling of their capital. This is the subject of the fourth theme developed in this report.

The fifth theme focuses on the activities and governance of cooperative societies which have specific production.
Of social housing but not bars HLM ...
Localtis.info -
Thus, the definition of "diffuse" can not be uniform throughout the country. But all these units have a common characteristic: more expensive both in investment management. The rapporteurs identify the additional costs for the assembly operation (fixed costs are significant, and thus proportionally higher for operations of 2 or 3 units), the additional costs of adaptation (to insert the program into an existing urban area) the additional costs of public areas incompressible whatever the number of dwellings. And once the housing put into operation, it is more expensive to manage than conventional social housing ...
HLM: Arm wrestling with the State

leJDD.fr - Appeared But Benoist, Secretary of State for Housing , rejected that request. Whistles and calls to the "resignation" punctuated Thursday Congress ...
INSEE Meeting - The priority neighborhoods of the city, engaging in territorial social difficulties - September 2010

Housing Rights : State ordered to pay

Le Parisien

This first penalty - which will not be the last - was inevitable, given the tense situation in the housing department. The figures speak for themselves: since 2008 the number of requests Dalo explodes. July 31, 4590 identifying the prefecture Applications, or 40% more than last year. On average, a quarter of these cases will be declared "urgent priority" by the mediation committee county, one of the most selective of Ile-de-France ....


- The
enforceable right to housing, a device that forces the state to house people in need, does not always end in Paris ... The LAD celebrates 20 years . MoDem Val d'Oise, especially with our elected Arnaud Gibert on the Urban Community (along with his running mate

Lionel Houssaye)
participated today "rally to demand across the social housing ". Modem Sum of protest against this iniquitous reform.

INSEE Ile-de-France - Diagnosis of territory from the urban community Plaine Commune - September 2010 see especially housing-employment balance: ... A Plaine Commune, the imbalance between job evaluation and the present residents of employees is more marked than elsewhere. The number of managerial jobs and to a lesser extent, intermediate occupations exceeds the number of active residents. In contrast, for workers and employees, the number of jobs is much lower than that of active residents .... Since 1990, the share of assets residing and working in Plaine Commune falls, it reached 31% in 2006. The trend is similar for the Seine-Saint-Denis in its entirety and in the territory of the center of the Hauts-de-Seine, where the asset structure is yet close to those of jobs ....

92 - Hauts-de-Seine · ° 93 - Seine-Saint-Denis · ° 94 - Val de Marne ... management application social housing in the Paris: meeting pro. 19 oct.10 ...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why Does My Dog Have Itchy Eyes

The "stigma of social housing" by Thomas Rudolph. Documentary Watch

Rudolph Thomas gave an interview to Marianne 2. This interview is reproduced on the national website Modem:

Monday, October 4, 2010

How Long Does Trimethoprim Stay In Your System

1 - Policy government (presidential and ...)
Reform Homeownership : A new "zero-interest loan over"
The President presents new measures to promote homeownership. In the presence of Jean-Louis Borloo and Found Benoist, the head of state has detailed the new device's flagship reform: the zero-interest loan over (PTZ +).

"A France owners", is the goal of the Head of State who wishes to increase the homeownership rate from 58% to 70% by the end of the quinquennium. To achieve this, the Government has prepared in consultation with all stakeholders, a simple and effective reform of homeownership, which comes into force on 1 January 2011. http://www.gouvernement.fr/gouvernement/reforme-de-l-accession-a-la-propriete-un-nouveau-pret-a-taux-zero-plus Act Scellier: lower rent ceilings on 1st January 2011
http://www.gouvernement.fr/gouvernement/loi-scellier-baisse-des-plafonds-des-loyers-au-1erjanvier- 2011 Student Housing : 28 new homes in 2009 and 2010

For the first time in France, students will be housed in containers converted into studios of 25 sq.m. each. The concept, already developed in Germany and the Netherlands, fast delivery of quality housing. Students benefit from a bathroom, a kitchenette, internet access, parking and bicycle spaces.

HLM movement towards a "place for everyone in the city"

In such case, the government plans to withdraw 340 million euros in the HLM movement by removing the exemption from the contribution on rental income (ex-lease rights) to expand the 2011 budget of state. Announced in early summer, this should be subject to parliamentary work this fall. In an interview last July Batiactu, Thierry Repentin indignant that "the State, lack of money, [go] in the search for lower-income families in France. For if there grab the world HLM, it will be money from the payment of rents of 4.3 million households in our park: it does not seem worthy to seek these households there ".

Before opening Tuesday in Strasbourg of the 71st Congress of the HLM movement, Benoist Appeared Secretary of State for Housing, referred in an interview with Journal du Dimanche "a cultural revolution within the world HLM" so that lenders sell part of their heritage. "This would however meet the expectations Tenants ...
Various technical texts

Department Budget - Section 3 A-5-10 - VAT - Rules applicable to real estate transactions conducted in the social housing sector - BOI # 85 of September 23, 2010 Decree No. 2010-1112 of 23 September 2010 on the approval under section 199 X septvicies FMI
(Scellier Area C) Order of 23 September 2010 concerning the processing of applications for approval under X to section 199 of the CGI septvicies

Le Parisien - The visit on the theme of housing
intersect another
2 - Housing Policy

Report of the Economic Social and Environmental

France: An emergency plan called for implementing the Dalo Cross

- Almost three years after its implementation, the right to housing
binding (Dalo) became a reality and begins to produce its effects, ...
Marie-Noëlle Lienemann: Blog Policy: the right to housing ...

by Marie-Noelle Lienemann - (...) I sit now at the Economic Social and Environmental. This Council is mandated by law DALO ( enforceable right to housing) to make an assessment of the implementation of this legislation and send it to ... must restore a correlation between needs and production! (...) We must restore a correlation between needs and production! (...) When more than one million 400 thousand households have established a demand for social housing, more distressed than wait in shelters decent housing and stable, it must be programmed, and a territorial planning. But in a decentralized France, he must articulate the commitment of the state and the role local communities. Autonomy does not exempt them from their duties Republicans. Therefore, housing policy and contractual territorialised is needed, but the time has come to ensure that the contracts actually binding the parties and that appropriate penalties are incurred when either the state or communities do their commitments.
Access to Housing : what is wrong has not always tavernedespoetes
by tavernedespoetes
- ... The Interministerial Mission inspection Social Housing (Miilos) released its annual report. This report will serve as a basis for discussion at the Congress of the USH. In this paper, the mission indicates that 50% of organizations have practiced controlled rent increases greater than the departmental recommendations, sometimes to ensure their financial stability, sometimes to allow their investments. Unfortunately, these increases have focused on more modest rents. (...)
The report of the Economic, Environmental and Social Committee (EESC) on the evaluation on the implementation of the law establishing the right to housing (DALO) three points main obstacles to the proper law enforcement:
- inadequate supply of housing in areas strained (Ile-de-France, Rhone-Alpes, PACA, Nord-Pas-de-Calais).
- very embryonic development of intermunicipal policy of housing in areas where the stakes are heavier: Ile-de-France practice inaction! Note also the lack of control of land used for social housing. - lack of impact of the condemnation of the state. The latter is condemned by the Administrative Justice to pay fines to a fund managed by itself but this is more a symbolic than operational.

Lemée Guy - Consultant, editor in chief of Housing and Local Government (HCL) - is constantly surprised the lack of political vision, collective housing matters ! Whether the recent report of the Council of State (1) as the book illuminating Driant AD (2), to cite current examples, the verdict is clear: there is no policy housing in France. Also, as many observers, it nourished the hope of reaching a "novice" to the Ministry of Housing, in the wake of calamitous Christine Boutin. Appeared Benoist has started work a year ago during the last Congress of the USH. Download this article PDF

September 13, 2010. .. In anticipation of a historic decline in purchasing power in 2010 and to meet the current tensions, the CLCV
request a rent freeze

provisions to facilitate the removal of slums are in accordance with the Constitution
referral by the State Council as part of a question as to constitutionality (QPC) The Constitutional Council ruled that the legal provisions of Articles 13, 14, 17 and 18 of Law No. 70-612 of 10 July 1970 to facilitate the removal of slums are in accordance with the Constitution. The applicant argued ...
Communities and housing policy

Delegation Aid Matters: A device designed to avoid blocking the start of operations in case of late signing of riders have been established
In response to Pélissard Jacques, president of the Association of Mayors of France, who informed him, on March 15, difficulties encountered by "presidents delegated communities Aid stone "as a result of delays in 2010 for the distribution of envelopes assigned funds for housing, the Secretary of State c. ..

There are no plans to increase the accountability of
... Gazette Commons - Responsibilities of intercommunal could be extended with the resumption of responsibility enforceable right to housing .

"Housing: A Field Study and Action for Greater Paris" studies IAURIF

1. Inventory

3 & 4. Track work for the Housing Committee and tools mobilized
Housing: an observatory to decipher the market

- Whether a tenant, owner-occupiers and property in the jungle

of housing, better hit the right door.
After a year, the dormitory of the

La Voix du Nord - This week, Le Havre was the news
with containers converted into homes students. Last year, Arras had been entitled to his reporting in ...
Soginorpa: speculation on housing mine? La Voix du Nord
- They include part of the transactions incurred by Soginorpa as part of its mission to restructure the housing
mining. The state bankrupt still 30,000 homes
social delay

enforceable right to housing. The law gave the 4-year period the State to comply. For this right can
... 3 - Property and social agencies

- As the 71st Congress housing agencies opened on Tuesday in Strasbourg, the newspaper relies on a "listing" confidential to assert that "While the average vacancy rate fluctuates over the years between 3% and 4%, some social landlords show another 7%, 8% or 10%, 12% of vacant apartments." http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2010/09/29/des-milliers-de-logements-hlm-resteraient-vides_1417429_3224.html xtor # = RSS-3208

Homes public housing vacancies: a list of poor performers is published

Editor's note: To see how the same information is reported by Figaro ... - Buyers

new homes are either first-time buyers increasingly younger and smaller, encouraged by government subsidies,

According to the Social Union for Housing (USH), "the situation of housing bodies which have made loans" toxic "before the collapse of the banking crisis is rather reassuring" According to the newspaper "La Tribune" In its edition of Wednesday, September 1, referring to the annual report on the financial situation created by the interministerial mission ... perfected yet little used
The Telegram

- Three years after its implementation, the use
enforceable right to housing: better than expected

... Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Development appeared Benoist indicates that, on the whole of metropolitan France, 46.3% of the 40,276 households accepted DALO beneficiaries were relocated to March 1, 2010. This overall result, however, covers a large geographical contrast: only 27.6% of 24 274 households benefiting from DALO recognized in Ile-de-France region or market tension is highest, have been relocated

Dalo: the committee wants action
HLM Congress: and ill-housed?

Evictions: On several occasions, the Right to Housing Federation
- Fondation Abbé Pierre and
alarmed right to housing of an amendment to the bill on Security (Loppsi 2), examined this time in the Senate,
5 - Hauts-de-Seine, Ile-de-France, greater Paris Soon hundred new homes for students -

P. Devedjian request to JP. Huchon unblock the financing ...

Blog Phil KALTENBACH, Mayor of Clamart, Vice-President of ...

Anarkali Model Of Switching

Rudolph Thomas: "The government attack jackhammer social housing"

Rudolph Thomas decides on government announcements on housing
Yet it is difficult in this context that the state subsidies continue to be reduced since ' they increased from 785 million euros in 2008 to 630 million euros in 2010 to $ 500 million in 2011 painfully then 400 million in 2013.
What about the new tax "appeared" to 2.5 per cent on the amount of rent and that on all housing bodies punctured almost 340 million euros.

This amount may affect the ability of housing authorities to continue their investment in major construction and rehabilitation of their heritage. Gone are the days when governments committed themselves financially to meet the challenge of housing as a national cause, registered in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
Today, the secretary of state, Mr. APPARENT under the guise of budget cuts and new revenues, we announced the creation of this tax on public housing. Again, this will be the poorest, the most poor and moderate-income families who will suffer the full brunt of this policy against nature. After the plane tax, the government announced the jackhammer that promises to destroy all that social landlords have begun to address the housing shortage of social housing in our country.

recall what was be the "national commitment to housing," a national compact that offers all Republican means and the opportunity to stay according to his income and meet the difficulties that households face higher rents.
Mr. Secretary of State announces a diversion, it would freeze any increase in rent public housing while at the same time, it created a new tax which once again will be borne by families modest. It is this sense of paradox, has become an art for the government once again undermines the social cohesion of French society. Abbe Pierre, a great architect and builder of the national cause of social housing, those who today would be indignant and say that the French housing is a right that the state must guarantee everyone . "


Rudolph Thomas

Mayor of St. Clair Hérouville

General Counsel of Calvados

member shadow cabinet Modem in charge of urban policy Urban Renewal and Housing

Friday, October 1, 2010

Personal Recall Letter

First position of Minister for Housing Homeless

Our minister will be November 6 at the next plenary meeting of the Commission Housing and Living.
Meanwhile, here is his first public stance after his appointment: