Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Beach Wallyball Camle Toe

Policy Proposals from the Commission Housing

The plenary meeting of the National Commission was held at the Modem January 8, 2010. We fed our discussion with a presentation on urban sprawl and its consequences in terms of energy consumption and control over agricultural land. The Commission subsequently refined its position on the improvement of building permits, thus completing a cycle of three sessions. It emerged a consensus on two priority actions: - the increase of 50% coefficient of land use and control for all existing PLU (PLU = Local Development Plan) - the issuance of building permits at the intermunicipal or, failing intermunicipal structure at the level of DDT (Departmental Territories, formerly DDE). Thus, municipalities are relieved of their devastating power of veto, which led to the current shortage and price levels are too high to devour household budget.


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