Sunday, December 5, 2010

Red Wine Can Cause Palpitations

AND HAARP Chemtrails

In the book Angels Do not play this HAARP written in 1995 by Dr. Nick Begich and journalist Jeane Manning [ 2] , the authors claim that HAARP's ability to influence the ionosphere in much greater numbers if permitted officially. According to them, these 180 branches would one day be able to search for climate change , stop all forms of wireless communication, destroy or divert aircraft and missiles, transcontinental and ultimately influence human behavior, all via action on the ionosphere.

Remember, Haiti and the devastating earthquake in January 2010. Natural earthquakes? With you to make your own opinion.


USS Carl Vinson
Faced with the most horrible human tragedies, and while mediat call our "heart", it is about having a cold stare and I own cynical about the news.
This was always my approach. This news highlights the deployment of a force of nearly 10,000 U.S. soldiers to face the chaos caused by the earthquake which struck Haiti and especially its capital Port-au-Prince.
Haiti will thus become a laboratory scale this time, the militarization of civilian activities and para-military assistance to individuals and emergency relief. A "tremendous opportunity" in the words of Miss Condolezza Rice during the 2004 Tsunami for NATO and U.S. forces that continue in the Arctic by example, to claim relief matters to people and property for s'imiscer in the records and the most diverse regions. [1]
There is even talk of "nation (re-) building ', c' is to say the setting under supervision of Haiti under the guise of a state recreation. An old refrain of the Globalists and globalists.
is, willy nilly, the admission of the failure of the presence of the "international community" in recent years in this island and its inability to build a state sufficiently resilient to such disasters.
can, the image that this editorial Louis Prefontaine [2] - Haiti: the "curse" does not exist - the question of deliberate policy for over a century from of some nations to maintain the status quo and ingouvernabilté Island. In short there to create the famous "gray areas" that become the pretext for intervention varied.
A cons-example is that of France and Russia. France has the Civil Defense and the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.
In France these structures in Russia that does not depend on a military commander but a civilian command have the most qualified specialists in the world to cope with such disasters and especially dog teams specialize in finding people buried under the Debris and teams of psychologists responsible for managing the post-traumatic stress found after these major disasters. France and Russia were able to "demilitarize" these activities even if these structures make use of technical means generally used by military personnel in Russia including transport troops tracked .
France has also chosen to send gendarmes to ensure security in the Haitian capital, personnel now managed by the Ministry of Interior.
In terms of geopolitics, local, military intervention will help to "restore the prestige", or at least try to do, an administration which, despite his opening speech gave its tacit support to the coup d ' state in Guatemala.
This intervention will also certainly try to justify the deployment orchestrated against Venezuela of the Fourth Fleet. After the "terrorism" and "activities illegal ", that is an" excellent opportunity "to justify the existence of the expeditionary force [3], that the" relief of the property and persons. "What a symbol, the aircraft carrier deployed off the coast of Haitian women, the "USS Carl Vinson," was named after the representative Democrat who from the beginning of the 20s relaunched the naval arms race in the world, attributed to "Japanese militarism" and the Nazis, with the program "Big Navy" of 1931! only hope for Haitians that the takeover of the airport in Port-au-Prince by Army U.S. not going to lead to situations that they will "filter" of international assistance in terms of U.S. foreign policy as was observed during the Tsunami of 2005 with the help Iran to Indonesia.
Iran has dispatched 30 tons of food and medicine to victims of Haitians, it made the announcement, the president of the Organization of Red Crescent relief of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmad Esfandiari . According to a dispatch from the AP, The French Secretary of State for Cooperation Alain Joyandet was complained to the refusal to allow two French aircraft to land at the airport [controlled by the U.S. Army - Ed]. He told the AP that one of them was carrying a field hospital and the other had been sent to evacuate French nationals. Speaking
any diplomatic manner, he uses the terms "arbitration" and "discernment"
"I think we should thank our American friends have supported this equipment, otherwise it was impossible to land at all. "" That being said, as there is a finish that intensifies, it is with them, we can determine what the priorities are. Maybe there is a lack of discernment or arbitration, but in any case, it is not normal for a plane that contains a field hospital can not land, "he added.
Brazil is also one of the countries covered by the U.S. military presence in Haiti that we can now consider the long term. contignent deploying a high-Blue Helmets, Brazil had thus validate his policy of "Caraîbisation" is to say to boost its presence in the Caribbean and create an outlet for its northern regions through Venezuela towards Europe.
However, since Brazil is conducting a foreign policy increasingly autonomous vis-à-vis the United States both in terms of energy contracts with China on the Iranian nuclear issue, the Brazilian military power projection [The Brazilian forces were not the "extras"] in Haiti was increasingly resented by the U.S. diplomacy that had helped his presence yet, ......... under Clinton (Bill)! [7]
international mediations have also highlighted the rapid on-site presence of units of the IDF [4].
Once again, this presence must be analyzed in terms of the geopolitical zone: The environments Israelis, Jewish oligarchs, were highly compromised in the coup in Guatemala. Israel is conducting an active policy against the government of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela because of its ties with the Iranian government. [5] After the British and the presence of military advisers, Guatemala and oligarchs accomplices, Haiti is likely to become a center Israeli subversive activities against Venezuela and a new "dismount" the Israeli military presence in the Caribbean.
This is not the first time that Israeli diplomacy uses the pretext of humanitarian aid to advance his pawns, this was the case for the involvement of IDF units to aid in the Earthquake land in Turkey. This participation marked the beginning of warmer relations with the Turkish-Israeli early 90s, now in a phase of refreezing.
In terms of domestic policy U.S. presence U.S. troops also serves to prevent the arrival of a new wave of refugees unleashed on American soil after each disaster that hit the island.
"Obama mestizo could do no less for" the Black Haiti. A speech that contrasts with the note that of Canada, Governor General Michaelle Jean is Haitian descent, who advocates greater openness to immigration from Haiti after the disaster.
But again the approach of the Canadian authorities is not purely philanthropic. This is to encourage immigration Anglophile but French in Quebec in order to reduce the share of the population "ethnic" in favor of autonomy or independence from the Belle Province. [6]
The drama becomes for Haitian political leaders Canadians an "excellent opportunity" to amplify a population shift already underway.
A little cynicism, that shown by the political and military leaders Americans and Canadians, do no harm to clarify certain aspects of the most terrible human tragedies. Pray for Haiti and Haitians whom I express my deepest sympathy.


Unity is strength! Evil is divide and conquer ...




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